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Jettison Overwhelm and Take Action

We have been sharing with our members, and posting on our social media that we are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel for the reconstruction of our gym space after the “Great Flood of June 2023". We are now at the point where we get to focus on some of the more positive aspects of an unexpected disaster - like making improvements to the space, and how we can serve our members even better than before!

Truth be told, we have had many moments during this process that felt overwhelming. Times when we questioned what our next step should be. Days when we felt like we were pushing a boulder up a hill only to have it roll back down on top of us. Learning to read the fine print in lease agreements, navigate insurance claims, keep our cool (for the most part) during complicated negotiations is not how we thought we would spend our summer, to say the least! Of course it doesn’t take a massive event like a flood to find us stuck in a state of overwhelm. Often times it’s just the daily events of life that pile up, and before we know it, we are far from where we want to be. We lose connection to our most authentic self. We tell ourselves we will get to the things we want or need to do when we “have more time”. And unfortunately the first things that usually start disappearing when we are overwhelmed are the things we do to take care of ourselves - like training, eating well, and getting good recovery.

Taking action can feel impossible sometimes. Tasks can feel so big that we don’t know where to start. Our lives might feel disorganized and we don’t have habits in place to support the steps we need to take. We get fixated on things beyond our control, instead of focusing on what is within our power to change. We expect perfection or immediate results. Maybe it’s entering this next, more fun phase of the gym renovation that has me thinking about jettisoning overwhelm and taking action. Or maybe it’s that we have now entered Virgo Season, and I’m focusing on what we Virgos do best - getting grounded, organized, and clear on our purpose to move with intention. Here are three ideas from your Virgo Coach to help avoid overwhelm, take action, and keep moving forward: 1. Break it down into small steps - Sometimes a goal or a change we want to make feels so massive that we can’t seem to even get started on it. With the gym flood, seeing our training space completely destroyed and then imagining being back in there with our members felt like an impossible leap. The only way we have been able to continue moving forward is by keeping our focus on what actions we will take today, and not worrying about all the other steps to come in the future. Another example would be if someone has a goal to improve their eating habits, as many of our members do. They want to be able to cook more of their meals at home, but currently eat most meals at restaurants. Imagining creating a meal plan and grocery list, doing the shopping, preparing food, developing your cooking skills, building your repertoire of recipes, and handling all the clean up is overwhelming. But starting with one step at a time, like preparing simple breakfasts, getting used to working in the kitchen by using some convenience items like Trader Joes frozen foods instead of cooking from scratch… with small steps like those done consistently, you’ll be amazed at how it all starts to add up toward the bigger picture. 2. Create routines and rituals - I have a ton of routines and rituals that help me stay organized on a daily basis, and those make it easier for me to tackle a big goal or unexpected challenge when I need to. One that I have shared many times is my morning water routine - to help make sure I get enough water in the day, I start my day with a big glass of water before I eat or drink anything else. I “stack” that habit with a gratitude habit so that as I’m drinking water, I’m also connecting to a few things I am grateful for that day. That ritual is such a part of my life that I no longer have to think about doing it. Our Breakthrough members have shared lots of great ideas on rituals that help them stay consistent with training, like having set training appointments every week, packing their gym bag the night before, taking walks on lunch breaks etc. Anything we can make a habit or routine we no longer have to think about allows more space for other exciting goals we want to accomplish, or hard tasks that life throws our way.

3. Focus on the present - This might seem counterintuitive to goal setting and the idea of forward movement, but it’s not. It’s a gentle reminder that we should spend our lives continually growing, learning and evolving. We never really “arrive” - the journey is the destination. Rather than worry about steps that need to be taken in the future, ask yourself what small steps you can take today. This also helps remind us to enjoy the present moment, even if what we need to take action on is difficult. Life will often send us in directions we weren’t expecting and give us more than we think we can handle. Whether we are working toward goals that excite us, or trying to swim to the surface after a flood, we have what it takes to break free from overwhelm and move forward with purpose!

Strength & Love,


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